Prenova direktive o javnem naročanju - V teku je faza analize zadnjih 8 let – Oddajte svoje pripombe do 8.3.2025!
Nova Evropska komisija si je zadala za cilj prenoviti direktivo o javnem naročju 2014/23/EU, 2014/24/EU and 2014/25/EU.
Trenutno je v teku javna razprava, v kateri komisija z namenom analize javnega naročanja v obdobju zadnjih 8 let zbira pripombe in predloge. Pošljete jih lahko do 8. marca.
Več: Public procurement directives – evaluation
Na njihovi podlagi bo pripravila besedilo novele direktive.
Delovna skupina ECEC (Evropski svet inženirskih zbornic) za javno naročanje je pri tem aktivna že nekaj časa. Pismo vodje delovne skupine Nine Dražin Lovrec, v katerem opisuje situacijo, dosedanja uradna stališča ECEC (Microsoft Word - Public Procurement_FINAL.docx , ECEC Manifesto) in vas poziva o podaji pripomb in predlogov, si lahko preberete v nadaljevanju.
Pismo vodje delovne skupine ECEC za javno naročanje, ga. Nine Dražin Lovrec
Dear ECEC member organisations!
I would like to wish you all a good start into 2025 and I’m looking forward to working with you on all the important engineering topics.
One of the crucial topics for our profession is public procurement and finally the long-awaited revision of the public procurement directives is included in the political guidelines of the new European Commission 2024 – 2029 and the public consultation on the topic is open now. This is an opportunity that we have been waiting for a very long time and now should act for the interests of chartered engineers:
HERE you can find more information on the current public consultation of the European Commission on the EU Public Procurement Directives (open until 7 March 2025).
The main aim of the public stakeholder consultation that has now been opened is to provide the European Commission with comprehensive and high-quality opinions, information, data, and feedback on how the Public Procurement Directives 2014/23/EU, 2014/24/EU and 2014/25/EU have worked in practice from the perspective of the various stakeholders. The aim is also to determine whether the directives are still fit for purpose, appropriate and sufficient to achieve the EU's policy objectives or whether changes are necessary and, if so, in which form.
The results of these consultation activities will be summarized in a report and thus become part of the working document of the Commission services for the evaluation of the Public Procurement Directives. The evaluation will cover 8 years (2016-2024) and will be guided by the criteria of effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence, and EU added value. The EC draft for the amendments to the directives will only be "formulated" on this basis in a subsequent step.
As you know, the evaluation of the public procurement directives has long been anticipated by the European professional associations and is therefore already a well-prepared topic also within the ECEC WG Public Procurement. As mentioned above, the aim of the consultation is not only to formulate requests for change, but also to demonstrate their necessity on the basis of figures, data, and allocations to political priorities of the EU. An important political reference topic, with which the need for a quality-oriented adaptation of the procurement guidelines can be well argued, is, for example, the New European Bauhaus Initiative.
The priorities in public procurement have also been discussed between the professional associations of architects and engineers for quite a while now. As early as 2022, numerous organizations including the ECEC succeeded in uniting for joint activities as the so-called “New European Bauhaus Collective” and, among other things, in publishing a joint statement on the subject of public procurement. Based on these common principles, the positions of all participating organizations have been and are being deepened in specialized working groups and repeatedly communicated at the political level in various contexts, as for example in the ECEC Manifesto.
An intensive exchange on the topic is also currently taking place in preparation for the joint conference of ACE, ECEC and EFCA in Luxembourg in May 2025 with a thematic focus on public procurement and a political one on the communication to and exchange with the EU institutions.
For the public consultation, the ECEC WG Public Procurement will prepare a document based on the existing work.
Therefore, please disseminate the information to the working group for PP in your chambers. As explained this is an opportunity that we have been waiting for a very long time and we now should act for the interests of chartered engineers!
If you have any contributions (data, information, positions) that you would like to include in the ECEC position please be so kind to send it to the ECEC Secretariat until the end of January 2025.
Nina Dražin Lovrec
Chair of the ECEC WG Public Procurement